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POE New Expansion War For The Atlas: New Content Announced


According the Path of Exile’s official website, the new expansion War For The Atlas will be released on Dec.8 for the PC with Xbox One version. It is the second for 2017 following the Fall of Oriath expansion earlier this year. The new expansion will bring some new features and changes.

Raiditem News: Latest Ion Hazzikostas Live Q&A for Battle for Azeroth


Last Thursday, the game Director Ion Hazzikostas and community manager Josh Allen take part in the latest live Q&A, which focuses on the upcoming expansion for World of Warcraft, Battle for Azeroth. Ion Hazzikostas has clarified further info on the artifact appearance, Legendaries, Class raid sets, Allied Races & Standing Upright and more.

World of Warcraft Classic Servers: Original MMORPG Coming Back


Classic Server is an official World of Warcraft Vanilla server, so you no longer need to make your own. At the opening ceremony of Blizzcon 2017, Blizzard Entertainment announced that World of Warcraft will receive an official classic-style “Vanilla”server. World of Warcraft classic is Blizzard’s response to fans who have long asked for a server based on the original version of World of Warcraft.

WoW’s 13th Anniversary is Now Live (Nov 16 - Nov 30)


World of Warcraft’s 13th anniversary event is now live, and it will go through from Nov 16th to Nov 30. The Originals is a new daily quest that rewards 50 Timewarped Badges.. Blizzard brought back Azuregos, Dragon of Nightmare and Kazzak. All of bosses drop ilvl 900 loot.

Traditional Tier Sets Are Not Planned in Battle for Azeroth Currently?


According to the Gameinformer, Ion Hazzikostas mentioned at Blizzcon 2017 that Tier sets are not planned to continue into Battle for Azeroth. The devs will limit character customization by locking down their individual WoW gear slot.

WoW:Big PVP Changes Coming With This Week’s Reset


According to the official World of Warcraft community post, there are some big PvP changes coming with this week’s reset. The hotfixes will be applied to reduced the damage overall 40% in PVP solution for no tanks. Also, some specific items including trinkets and legendaries were addressed.

WoW Legion: Uldar Timewalking Will be Available in Patch 7.3.5


According to the Blizzcon 2017, Antorus, the Burning Throne raid will go live on November 28. You can check out the previous post to get the detailed schedule. Besides, Blizzard plans to introduce another Timewalking raid Uldar in Patch 7.3.5. This is confirmed by the Game Director Ion Hazzikostas. "You can even go back and push the big red button on Mimiron (Firefighter (25 player)Firefighter)."

WoW Legion: Season 6 and and the Burning Antorus Raid Schedule


We have learned about the expansion of World of Warcraft, Battle for Azeroth in the previous posts. Today we will focuses on the Legion’s new Antorus raid and Season 6. During During the BlizzCon afterparty festivities, it was revealed that Antorus opens on November 28th, but it's nice to have the full schedule and official announcement,

WoW Battle for Azeroth’s First Dungeons, Freehold - Raiditem


At Blizzcon 2017, the next expansion of World of Warcraft, Battle for Azeroth has been announced. This post focuses on the first Dungeon, Freehold. A team has played through dungeons: Freehold and and the team was build by 3 Fire Mages and 2 Paladins. The bosses are striking and memorable like bosses in the previous expansions.

Battle for Azeroth Warfronts, Rewards and Gameplay


The 7th expansion of World of Warcraft, Battle for Azeroth was unveiled on Blizzcon 2017 for the first time. In the upcoming version, a series of new features will arrive, including new level cap of 120, Allied races, warfronts and new areas to explore.

Battle for Azeroth: New WoW Expansion Release Date and New Features


During the Blizzcon 2017 opening ceremony, Blizzard announced the upcoming expansion for world of Warcraft, Battle for Azeroth with many new features will arrive. Today, at, we are gonna give you some brief info of the new expansion. At the same time, we hope that you can select WoW items from raiditem at a bottom price.

Antorus, the Burning Throne Will Open on November 28


Finally, the release date of Antrorus, the Burning Throne has been confirmed, and the new raid will go live on November 28. The news came from the twitter account @AshTag1658 and was later confirmed by Rho of the Realm Maintenance podcast.

Sylvanas Windrunner Statue On Sale on Blizzard Shop


Now you are able to buy a deluxe statue of Sylvanas Windrunner from Blizzard Gear Shop with $350. Besides, there are several new additions to the store for you to choose from, including backpack, Ugly Sweater, Elekk Plushie, Raptor Plushie, Sargeras Shirt for men and women.

WoW Events Coming In This Month, November


In previous post, we have introduced you a series of events coming to WoW this week. Today, we are going you give you a brief list of the upcoming WoW events in this month. Today, Day of Dead has begun and it will last for 3 days. You should not skip it out easily if you are an achievement and WoW pet hunter. Blizzcon 2017 and Arena World Championship will also arrive. Besides, Pilgrim’s Bounty, the Moonkin Festival, WotLK and WoW’s 13th Anniversary join the usual bonus events and PvP brawls.

WoW Events Schedule In This Week - Raiditem


Patch 7.3.2 went live earlier than we expected, but the new raid, Antorus the Burning Throne did not happen along with the new patch. Blizzcon 2017 is around the corner, and the new raid is on its way. Besides, in this week of October 31, a series of new World of Warcraft Legion events will come, including another increase in Artifact Knowledge, World Quest bonus event, Temple of Hotmogu, new Mythic+ Affixes and new World Bosses.

Patch 7.3.2: Antorus, the Burning Throne Mounts Rewards


Patch 7.3.2 goes live last week, and it brought a series of new feature and changes. The new raid Antorus, the Burning Throne has several wow mounts rewards. The biggest raid in Patch 7.2, Tomb of Sargeras omitted mounts, so players are more expecting for mounts rewards this time. In the part, we will introduce each of 4 mounts available from the raid. Please note that it is final day of Halloween’s promotion at

Halloween’s Promotion Will End Soon- Raiditem


Raiditem’s promotion activity for Halloween will come to a close, and did you get what you need? Tomorrow will be the last way of the activity. As I mentioned previously, WoW gold with 10% off and WoW BOE items with more than 50% discount are available at

Patch 7.3.2 Hotfixes Update for October 26 - Raiditem


The latest round of hotfixes for Patch 7.3.2 has been announced. Blizzard has made Windwalker tuning and weaken the current tier bonuses to prepare for the upcoming raid. This time, the new update fixes a few Argus and dungeon bug, take away the mount drop chance off Gul’dan in LFR Nighthold. You can read the original post below as well as find some cheapest wow items for sale.

WOW Patch 7.3.2:More Changes Undocumented - Raiditem


Patch 7.3.2 goes live this week, and this patch has brought a series of new changes and features that have an effect on gameplay. More than that, there are some undocumented changes including Tier 19 and Tier 20 set bonuses have come.

WOW News:Patch 7.3.2 Goes on NA Servers


Patch 7.3.2 now is live on NA servers. The new patch includes the Primal Sargerite Vendor, the new Pantheon Trinkets, new and upgraded legendaries, and the Antorus Raid at a future date. Please note that the official announcement has been not out now and we will update here once there is.


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