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Legion Beta: Character Boost and Class Trails Introduced

  • 2016-06-20 17:18:00

As we mentioned in post ‘WoW Legion Pre-Expansion Notes Hits PTR’, players are able to try out a class at level 100, before deciding if they want to boost or not. A new build introduced class trials and character boost to beta. If you want to buy wow gold cheaper to upgrade your role faster, feel free to choose cheap wow gold at Raiditem! Lowest prices and fast delivery are guaranteed!

There is an hourly limit on how many Class Trials can be created, while you cannot try Demon Hunters since you cannot use a boost on them. During the Class Trial, you go through a short tutorial of your basic skills and then you move on to the Broken Shore and Artifact introductory questline. Each class can try only one specialisation, while Druids can try two. These are:

Death Knight: Unholy
Druid: Feral (Cat) and Balance
Hunter: Beast Mastery
Mage: Frost
Monk: Windwalker
Paladin: Retribution
Priest: Discipline
Rogue: Assassination
Shaman: Elemental
Warlock: Affliction
Warrior: Arms

Read Original post from Community Manager Nethaera

“Character Boost and Class Trials Available for Testing

With the latest beta build, we’ve enabled the level 100 Boost and Class Trials experiences for Legion.

Boosting a character to level 100 will place you into a short starting experience before you join in the Broken Shore experience.

Class Trials will allow players to try various characters at level 100 as a part of a limited tutorial experience within the Broken Shore and allows players to play beyond the tutorial portion to experience the class through to acquiring their Artifact weapon. The short tutorial experience will focus on teaching many of the class’ core abilities. Players can apply a boost token at any time to keep the character they used during the Class Trial.

For both the Boost experience and Class Trials, players will start with a pre-defined specialization that can be changed at a later point in time. Please note that due to the Demon Hunter not being eligible for Boosting, it will not have a Class Trial associated with it. 

For the beta test, we’ve adjusted the class trial restrictions so that players can use these characters for an extended duration.”

So you can copy characters from live servers into the Beta. By doing this, you can start with a gear advantage, will have all your collectibles and your professions maxed out. You will be able to test the new features in legion better. For more news and information, stay tuned here! Raiditem is the best site providing kinds of WoW products like wow gold, wow mounts, wow leveling and other best services to help you progress smoother in World of Warcraft! Don’t miss any!

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