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Battle.Net Update: Gifting Available, Offline Mode Added and More

  • 2017-10-24 15:21:12
  • WoW gold
  • WoW mounts
  • Raiditem
  • wow power leveling

Finally, gifting your friends via Blizzard App is available. Offline Mode is added after over a decade. There was a big update to the app, featuring all the already mentioned beta improvements like player avatars, groups, appear offline etc, but we also got some unexpected additions! You can now gift World of Warcraft game time, Diablo 3's Rise of the Necromancer DLC, Hearthstone card packs and more via battletag. Raiditem is also make some price adjustments to make sure all the customers can buy wow gold with the lowest price!

You can head on over to the official website to read the all the app changes and all of the players will get a free Hearthstone Pack to show off the gift tab. Besides, there are additions like a social groups and chat channels are also live. 

More than that, the Shop UI has been redesigned with recommendations for new players, a new UI, more gifting options, and a dropdown menu for additional Battle.Tag services. A few days ago, Blizzard launched more social options like Groups, Profiles, Avatar...and Appear Offline.

Here is the original post from the official site:
“One of your Blizzard friends have a birthday coming up? Or just want to say “thanks” for some awesome support in a recent game? With player-to-player gifting, you can purchase and send in-game gifts to your friends.

To send a gift, head to the Shop tab and select a gifting-enabled item such as Hearthstone card packs or an Overwatch Loot Box. Select the Gift button, and then choose the desired recipient’s or BattleTag from a drop-down menu during the purchasing process.

When someone sends you a gift, the upper right of the app will light up to show you that something’s waiting (you can also select View Gifts from the drop-down menu under your BattleTag). Click Claim or visit the Gifts web page on mobile to add the gift to your collection in the associated game.”

We hope that Blizzard is trying to make changes to perfect the game system and players are encouraged to give their feedback on the forum. Here is always the most trustworthy site to buy wow items including wow gold, wow mounts, wow boe items and other in-game currency like POE items and rs gold. We guarantee to offer you 100% fast and safe delivery!

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Kindly Reminder:Possible account termination when using illegal leveling or illegally obtained gold.