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World of Warcraft’s 2017 Events Highlights Review

  • 2017-12-28 18:47:30
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2018 is arriving! 2017 is a big year for World of Warcraft. With the announcement of Battle for Azeroth, let’s take a moment to look back at some of the WoW events highlights in 2017 with WoWhead. The site has listed the events for each month, and the date. Read the following to get the details. Good news is that’s special offers are still online. 30% discount and up to 50%+ off for BOE gear and powerleveling service. Never miss the cheapest wow gold and wow items for sale. 

 January 2017

January 4th - The Diablo 20th Anniversary Celebration kicked off 2017 with The Cow King,  Twelve-String Guitar, and lots of loot from Treasure Goblins.

January 10th- Patch 7.1.5 went live, featuring Brawler's Guild fights, Artifact Knowledge Catch Up, many legendary items, and class changes.
January 15th - The Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza returned, allowing players to complete  Accomplished Angler for the Salty title.
January 17th - The Nighthold Raid opened on Normal and Heroic difficulty, with Gul'dan as the final boss. This raid wrapped up the story of the Nightborne and opened up future character development for Illidan.
January 19th -We got our first signs that 2017 was not going to follow the traditional PTR development cycle with the start of the 7.2 PTR mere days after Nighthold opened. Early datamining highlighted the new Transmog UI, dungeon Cathedral of Eternal Night, raid Tomb of Sargeras, Class Mounts, and Broken Shore content.
January 21st - Call of the Scarab, WoW's first micro-holiday, went live. The event will pit the Alliance and Horde against each other to earn the most credit by turning in Commendation Tokens: whoever wins can fly their faction flag in Silithus for a year. The Lunar Festival also started, bringing with it the new fun toy  Dragon Body Costume.
January 24th - Players could complete Balance of Power for the first time, unlocking a new Artifact skin!

February 2017
February 4th - Exorsus achieved World First Mythic Gul'dan, an exciting encounter with a secret "The Demon Within" third phase.
February 6th - Converting WoW Token to Balance went live in WoW. You can redeem the token for $15 of balance now, which can be used on WoW pets, Blizzard games and Digital Deluxe versions, character services like realm changes and more.
February 7th - Love is in the Air went live, featuring dynamic scaling for the Apothecary Hummel encounter and new Love Token items like  Love Boat.
February 14th - The "For Azeroth" promotion started in Heroes of the Storm. Complete 15 games with a friend, playing a Warcraft hero, for the  Primal Flamesaber.
February 16th - The 7.2 PTR had a flurry of discussion on datamined Artifact Power changes, and on this day Ion Hazzikostas wrote a lengthy post explaining missteps and upcoming changes.
February 23rd - The adorable Hatching of the Hippogryphs Micro Holiday started. During this micro-holiday, you can befriend the hippogryphs and even get a baby one to sit on your shoulder.

March 2017
March 7th - We saw the first Mists of Pandaria Timewalking Event. There are six new dungeons and a number of new items to purchase for  Timewarped Badge including  Yu'lei, Daughter of Jade.
March 10th-  Dalaran had a stress test on the PTR, which turned into a raid battle against Firelord Nomi.
March 15th: World of Warcraft Chronicle: Volume 2 went on sale. The book opens with the discovery of Draenor and closes with the shattering of Draenor and the destruction of the Dark Portal.
March 16th: The Un'Goro Madness Micro Holiday started. Battle level 110 elite dinosaurs for  Dino Mojo.
March 23rd: In the liveblog with Ryan Shwayder, we learned the release date for Patch 7.2 and also watched the official patch trailer.
March 28th: Patch 7.2: Tomb of Sargeras went live. This new content patch included the Broken Shore, crafted legendaries, new Empowered Artifact Traits, Challenge Appearances, Legion Pathfinder, the dungeon Cathedral of Eternal Night, new Mythic+ Affixes, region-wide buildings, and an updated Transmog Set UI! Players also discovered that mobs were scaling up with item level.

April 2017
April 1st: Blizzard published a series of April Fools Jokes, including Patch 7.8.0, BlizzCon Textual Adventure, and Classic
April 2nd: The Darkmoon Faire returned with the striking  Inky Black Potion consumable.
April 3rd: The Mage Tower Challenge was active for the first time--players discovered these artifact challenges were quite tricky. There was no PTR testing for these challenges, so everyone was in for a bit of a surprise.
April 4th: Legion Assaults started, providing players with a good source of Nethershards, Artifact Power, transmog weapons, and catch up gear. In these invasions, players will complete four demonic World Quests and then defend a notable area in each Broken Isle zone, like Thunder Totem.
April 5th: The March of the Tadpoles Micro Holiday started. Visit the cute baby Winterfin murlocs in Borean Tundra.
April 11th: The Secret Finding Discord discovered the Riddler's Mind-Worm Mount. You'll have to hunt down pages across Azeroth in a certain order, the clues of which are inspired by the cosmology chart from World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume 1.
April 12th: The final Wyrmtongue treasure quest spawned, allowing players to gamble Nethershards. On this day, the 7.2.5 PTR began, which included the Trial of Style and Black Temple Timewalking.
April 17th: The Noblegarden Event started, with the new  Noblegarden Bunny pet.
April 19th: The Anduin Wrynn questline was available, culminating in a touching cinematic between Anduin and his father.
April 26th: Two discoveries were made for pet-lovers - the Hunter Tame Lalathin and Garrison pet Dog.
April 27th: The Volunteer Guard Day Micro Holiday went live. Salute a guard to take on its appearance.

May 2017
May 2nd: Blizzard announced significant changes to Mythic+ Keystones. The depletion mechanic will be removed for convenience, and Blizzard is restructuring rewards to encourage players to opt for higher-level Keystones instead of lower-level ones that present more of a challenge.
May 10th: The Spring Balloon Festival went live for the first time. When you log in during the Spring Balloon Festival, you will see red X's marked on your world map indicating a place where you can hop on a Hot Air Balloon for a ride!
May 15th: Christie Golden announced she accepted a job at Blizzard.
May 18th: Mike Morhaime made the surprising announcement that Destiny 2 will be coming to
May 22nd: The Artifat Knowledge Cap was hotfixed to 40, down from 50.
May 23rd: The Squirky murloc plush and in-game pet went live.
May 27th: The Glowcap Festival Micro Holiday went live for the first time. This provided a great way to get Sporregar reputation.

June 2017
June 6th: The Thousand Boat Bash Micro Holiday went live for the first time. Head to Thousand Needles and construct your own ship to get the Boat Day buff for seven days. Also on this day, players could finally acquire their Class Mounts.
June 13th: Patch 7.2.5: Tomb of Sargeras went live. This new content patch includes many class changes, new legendaries, the Deaths of Chromie scenario, a new battle pet dungeon, rogue pickpocketing items, level 110 heirlooms, and Mythic+ changes.
June 16th: The Secret Finding Discord discovered the Sun Darter Hatchling Pet. The pet comes from an Oddly-Colored Egg at the back of the Cavern of Consumption on the Winterspring coast. Once inside the cave, you'll find a number of blocked off magical barriers and puzzles. As the name of the cave implies, you'll need to use various consumables to break through each barrier, ranging from  "Little Princess" Costume to  Major Holy Protection Potion.
June 20th: The Tomb of Sargeras Raid opens on Normal and Heroic difficulty. This raid expanded the story of Illidan, Velen, and Kil'jaeden. We also saw the cinematic for the first time as well as Argus in the sky.
June 21st: The Midsummer Fire Festival started with new items like  Set of Matches and  Igneous Flameling.
June 28th: The Patch 7.3 PTR started. Early datamining included Tier 21 Armor, Antorus Bosses, and many Argus items.

July 2017
July 1st: The Blight Boar Encounter went live at the Darkmoon Faire, rewarding transmog items such as  Chain-Linked Cage Helm and  Necromedes, the Death Resonator.
July 6th: One 7.3 datamining highlight was datamined broadcast text. This essentially revealed the end of Antorus, the Burning Throne -- something Ion Hazzikostas joked about at the BlizzCon 2017 What's Next Panel. Another datamining highlight on this day was the Kul Tiras Armor sets. This set off speculation that Kul Tiras would play a major role in 8.0, which turned out to be true.
July 11th: Black Temple Timewalking is now live. This raid featured updated loot for level 110s, new Timewalking toys, and  Arsenal: The Warglaives of Azzinoth for Demon Hunters. Also on this day, the Mythic+ Dungeon Invitational was announced.
July 16th: Method achieved World First Mythic Kil'jaeden. Progression on this fight was unusually long, with 653 wipes.
July 17th: World of Warcraft Chronicle: Volume 3 is now available for preorder.
July 31st: The Kirin Tor Tavern Crawl Micro Holiday is now live for the first time. Every few minutes, Tipsi Wobblerune will allow you to teleport to a new Inn, which has special food and drink, SELFIE Cameras, and Discarded Packages which give you festive hats.

August 2017
August 2nd: Twilight and the Luminous Starseeker are now available to purchase via the in-game shop.
August 4th: Jaina Proudmoore was revealed as the character on the Warcraft BlizzCon Key Art, heightening the speculation that Kul Tiras would play a major role in the expansion.
August 8th: Doomsayers appeared in Dalaran and the Argus skybox was visible to all players.
August 15th: The Whispers of a Frightened World scenario went live, in which Azeroth has nightmares about the Dark Titan.
August 17th: The Trial of Style Holiday went live. Players only had a few minutes to put together themed transmogs, which were judged by peers.
August 23rd: At gamescom 2017, we saw the Patch 7.3 cinematic, learned the release date, and saw the Shadows of Argus Key Art.
August 29th: Patch 7.3: Shadows of Argus went live. This new content patch included the new Argus storyline, three zones on Argus, new World Quests, passive Artifact Knowledge, many new mounts and pets, updated catch-up mechanics, and increased rewards from World Quests and Dungeons. Also on this date, Suramar Campaign Reputation Requirements were hotfixed out and we watched The Fate of Xe'ra Cinematic.
August 31st: Petopia and the Secret Finding Discord discovered how to tame Panthara mounts.

September 2017
September 2nd: The Secret Finding Discord discovered the Lucid Nightmare mount.
September 3rd: The Darkmoon Faire added the expensive  Darkmoon Dirigible mount.
September 4th: Dilligent Anglers unlocked the  Underlight Emerald artifact tint.
September 5th: Week 2 of Shadows of Argus opened, featuring Invasion Points, Mac'Aree, and the Dark Awakenings questline.
September 12th: The Netherlight Crucible and final Argus chapter opened. Also on this day, the charity battle pet Shadow went on sale. Originally intended to go on sale at the end of the year, Blizzard launched the pet sooner due to all of the international disasters.
September 13th: The BlizzCon Stormwind and Orgrimmar Mounts were revealed and the Goody Bag went on sale.
September 19th: Pirate's Day added the  Jolly Roger toy.
September 20th: Datamining for the 7.3.2 PTR started. One of the most important details was a map showing updates to Silithus.
September 21st: Blizzard released the audio drama "A Thousand Years of War" about Alleria and Turalyon.
September 22nd: Emojis were added to the App.

October 2017
October 3rd: The BlizzCon 2017 Schedule was posted.
October 5th: Appear Offline and a variety of social features were added to the app.
October 10th: The BlizzCon 2017 Merch Sale started, featuring Pirate Pepe and a Sargeras shirt.
October 12th: The BlizzCon 2017 Floor Plan was revealed. Of particular note was the large WoW demo area and Sylvanas statue.
October 14th: The Running of the Gnomes Micro Holiday took place. This event was inspired by Dravvie's own charity event. Running of the Gnomes benefits the Cleveland Clinic and the creators of the Tuohy Vaccine that is currently in the early stages of human clinical trials.
October 18th: Hallow's End started, featuring new items like  Naxxy,  Exquisite Costume Set: "Xavius", and  Horse Tail Costume.
October 21st: Players discovered hints pointing to subraces in the 7.3 data. These predictions turned out to be true with the Allied Races announcement at BlizzCon.
October 22nd: Amazon put up a listing for the upcoming novel Before the Storm by Christie Golden.

November 2017
November 2nd: We got a sneak peek of one Before the Storm chapter and the Sylvanas Statue went on sale.
November 3rd: Battle for Azeroth, WoW's next expansion, was announced! We learned about Allied Races, the burning of Teldrassil, the Heart of Azeroth, Islands, and discovered some class buffs and utility changes in the playable demo.
November 12th: The Moonkin Festival Micro Holiday started. Head to Moonglade to meet the fluffy baby moonkin and get a temporary companion of your own.
November 14th: In a follow-up Battle for Azeroth interview, we learned that traditional tier sets are going away.
November 16th: WoW's 13th Anniversary started, featuring the return of the Green Dragons and transmog loot.
November 29th: Antorus the Burning Throne opened on Normal and Heroic difficulty. With the defeat of Argus, we saw the ending cinematic as well as zone changes in Azeroth.
November 30th: The Patch 7.3.5 PTR started. This PTR brought a revamped leveling experience, Ulduar Timewalking, and lots of Allied Race datamining.

December 2017
December 13th: Method achieves World First Mythic Argus after almost a week of progress on the boss.
December 15th: To celebrate the release of The Last Jedi, guards in Stormwind and Orgrimmar have lightsabers.
December 16th: Feast of Winter Veil went live, featuring new gifts like  Toy Weapon Set and  Hearthstation.
December 20th: Tyrael's Charger was temporarily available to purchase through the Korean Shop.

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