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Battle for Azeroth Will Arrive on August 14, 2018, Confirmed by Blizzard

  • 2018-04-08 12:31:22
  • WoW items
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  • Battle for Azeroth

In previous posts, we have mentioned a lot of news on the upcoming expansion for World of Warcraft. Since its announcement on Blizzcon 2017, the expansion has been remained mysterious with few updates. All we knew is that it was to due out by Mid-September and other updates datamined by some eagle-eyes players. But now, Blizzard has finally confirmed that the exact date for its arrival, which is on PC: August 14, 2018. More info on Battle for Azeroth, check out new column at raiditem. Cheapest WoW gold and best WoW mounts can be found here. Never miss them!

According to the official announcement, Battle for Azeroth will bring a renewed emphasis on the rivalry between the two major factions, The Horde and the Alliance. It will feature multiple warfronts, new kingdoms to explore, allied races to recruit, as well as the ability to customize your weapons and armour with new powers and traits.

"Conflict is at the heart of the Warcraft saga, and in Battle for Azeroth, tensions that have been simmering for a long time escalate into all-out war,” said Mike Morhaime, CEO and co-founder of Blizzard Entertainment. “World of Warcraft players are incredibly passionate about the characters and factions they identify with in the game, and this expansion will make them prouder than ever to declare their allegiance to the Horde or to the Alliance."

Players will be taken to new areas where 2 factions will comete for amass naval resources from their respective islands, Zandalar (Horde) and Kul Tiras (Alliance), as they complete new quests and progress through the story.

Besides, Battle for Azeroth will adds 10 dungeons, new Raid zones, and new World quests. Regarding the new feature Warfronts, it is a 20-player co-op PVE mode meant to resemble classic RTS games. You'll try to build up a substantial force and then attack objectives and deal with enemy commanders.

You can pre-purchase Battle for Azeroth for $49.99 / EUR44.99 for a Level 110 Character Boost and early access to unlocking Allied Races, or pre-purchase the Digital Deluxe Collectors Edition for $69.99 / EUR59.99 to get some mounts and pets, as well as some perks for other Blizzard games.

Battle for Azeroth is currently still in Alpha testing, so you can head learn more about via the testing or keeping focus on our update to get more news on Battle for Azeroth. More than that, Raiditem, the most professional WoW products seller online, is getting ready to offer you all kinds of WoW items, WoW mounts, WoW raid service, WoW gold and other you need while playing games.

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