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What Are Best WoW Mounts in Battle for Azeroth


Battle for Azeroth is scheduled to officially arrive on August 18 of this year. The Alpha testing has been live and many dataminers have dug out much info on the new features and update in the upcoming expansion. Among the new features, new WoW mounts are some of the most notable items.

How Will Warfronts Work in Battle for Azeroth


Battle for Azeroth will increase you a bunch of new features and items. One of the biggest feature are Warfronts. Game director Ion Hazzikostas has unveiled some info on Warfronts. Warfronts are 20-player PvE missions that mimic a real-time strategy game, inspired by Warcraft 3.

Confirmed: Remote Auction House Disabled From April 18


According to the Community manager Ythisens, they will discontinue the Remote Auction after April 18 because that only 1% of community uses the Remote Auction House on a regular basis and service.

WoW’ Events Schedule for This Week of April 10


This week’s events for Legion are scheduled to come. It includes new Mythic+ Affixes, new World Bosses, Battlegrounds bonus which will bring you some some quests and of course quests and challenges. Before the new expansion come to be live on August 14, Legion still has a lot of events that are worth your participating.

BfA Alpha: Uldir Raid Testing Begins April 13, This Friday


Battle for Azeroth is confirmed to go live on August 14, and the new expansion will bring a lot of new features, dunegons, mounts and changes. We believe that many players are now preparing for the new challenges. Uldir is the first raid in Battle for Azeroth, and the first boss of Uldir ( Zek’voz, Herald of N’zoth) will be tested on Herioc difficulty on April 13th, this Friday.

How Can You Prepare for the Arrival of Battle for Azeroth


We all know that Battle for Azeroth will arrive on August. Just like the previous expansions for World of Warcraft, there are some things that will be removed and some changes will come to things. Battle for Azeroth is not an exception.

Battle for Azeroth Will Arrive on August 14, 2018, Confirmed by Blizzard


In previous posts, we have mentioned a lot of news on the upcoming expansion for World of Warcraft. Since its announcement on Blizzcon 2017, the expansion has been remained mysterious with few updates. All we knew is that it was to due out by Mid-September and other updates datamined by some eagle-eyes players. But now, Blizzard has finally confirmed that the exact date for its arrival, which is on PC: August 14, 2018.

Congrats! Mione Solos Mythic +15 Cathedral of Eternal Night In Time


Mionee has soloed Cathedral of Eternal Night + 15 in time in time in the latest Dungeons run, with the slight help from this week’s affixes, Bursting, Skittish, and Fortified! Mionee is a World of Warcraft Demon Hunter. If you have been following Mionee, you should know the of each and every Mythic+ Dungeon run throughout the course of Legion.

Battle for Azeroth: Upcoming Quest Log Changes


Want some changes to the 25 quests limits in Quest log? It has been there for years. Is time for a change? Yes. Good news is that it will change in the upcoming expansion, but bad news is quest log wasn’t increased beyond 25. 25 quest limit still exists in the new expansion.

Battle for Azeroth New Zone: Stormsong Valley Preview


In the Battle for Azeroth Alpha, a new zone Stromsong Valley was opened. It is a Kul Tias that located north the Tiragardes sound, and the fertile lands of Stormsong Family are home to numerous farms and shipyards.

WoW: Boost Your Reputation for Allied Races in This Week


In this week, there are several events to come, and the World Quest bonus event & Weekend’s Darmkmmon Faire will give your reputation gains a maximum increase. So it would be a good chance to take advantage of events to grind rep for Allied Races.

BfA: Blood Elf Golden Eyes Customization Option Added


In previous posts relating to Battle for Azeroth Alpha build, we have mentioned that there will be a option for upright Orcs. Now, another customization in the upcoming expansion has been unveiled, which is Blood Elf Customization.

WoW-Themed Episode of Family Guy Coming on April 1?


Family Guy Twitted that a Warcraft-themed Episode of Family Guy is coming on Sunday, April 1. It possibly is true, but many fans think it is just an April Fools’ joke. We will know that day.

Have a Preview of Dinosaur Mounts in Battle for Azeroth


Blizzard has not unveiled too much news on Battle for Azeroth. The latest confirmed info should be that the First Aid will be removed. The eagle-eyed dataminers has never stop digging out some useful message from build after build. This post will give you a preview of a package of dinosaur mounts in World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth.

Confirmed: First Aid Removal in Battle for Azeroth


Blizzard has confirmed that the First Aid will be removed in Battle for Azeroth at official community site and Twitter. In Battle for Azeroth Alpha Build 26032, some dataminer has noticed that many first Aid Achievements have been moved over to legacy, and they started speculating that it will possibly be removed in the upcoming expansion.

Legion PvP Season 7 is Now Live


Legion PvP season 7 is here and season 6 ended. This is the final season in Legion expansion. Before Battle for Azeroth, Gladiators can collect the the final storm dragon mount before moving to proto-drakes.

Raiditem's Promotion 2018 Begins, Up to 80% off


Currently, is holding a big-scale promotion to thank our customers for the long time support and trust. During the activity, many WoW items are sold at the bottom price. Also, some items that are no long available when 8.0 coming are included.

Battle for Azeroth Expansion: New Update and Mounts Preview


The next expansion of World of Warcraft, Battle for Azeroth will officially release till September of this year. Although Blizzard has not releases too much detailed update, the eagle-eyed players from the some famous community websites like WoWhead has dug up some amazing info in Battle for Azeroth beta.

Micro-Holidays 2018 in WoW, Un’goro Goes Live Now


The official World of Warcraft community website has released a bunch of small holiday events for WoW Legion in the year of 2018. Each event is funny but will not make players feel that they must participate for greater rewards or something. It is called Micro-Holidays. During March 17-19, the UNGORO MADNESS is live for both EU and US realms.

Battle for Azeroth Alpha Q&A with Ion Hazzikostas Summary


On March, World of Warcraft game Director Ion Hazzikostas has answered some questions about Battle for Azeroth expansion. This post covers all the answers that Hazzikostas has given and the highlights of the live Q&A.


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