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Warlords of Draenor First Raid Highmaul Opens


December 2nd is a hug day for World of Warcraft fans. Warlords first raid Highmaul opens its doors to players for normal and heroic modes. Tier 17 raiding and Warlords Season 16 PvP begins. In addition, new world bosses, Apexis Crystal gear vendors, and Seal of Tempered Fate are accessible.

World of Warcraft: Highmaul Raid Unlock This Week!


According to posts from Blizzard, from this Tuesday, as servers come up the first raid, Highmaul will open up! Nomal and Heroic will be open for the first week, People looking to do LFR will need to wait one more week for the first wing to open up.

High Expectation for WoW Movie


Many players have high hopes for World of Warcraft. Definitely, Star Wars: The Force Awaken is the most exciting thing in the movie universe. And WoW film has also attracted the attention of many fans.

10 Unforgettable Moments Iin World of Warcraft’s 10 years


Blizzard celebrated the World of Warcraft’s 10th year anniversary. To celebrate WoW’s first decade, we would like the list the ten unforgettable moments.

Blizzard’s Black Friday: World of Warcraft on Sale for $4.99


Only for this week Friday, World of Warcraft is now on sale for $4.99. If you're thinking about getting someone into the game, or are looking at picking up a secondary account for yourself, this is a good opportunity to do so.

WoW: Pilgrim's Bounty 2014 with More Battle Pets


It's time for rare troll rogue hunting, cross-faction feasting and, of course, food fights. Absolutely, starting yesterday through Monday, December 1st, the Pilgrim's Bounty holiday has descended on the servers like an overstuffed turkey ready for the carving.

WoW: New Blood Elf model Updated


Blizzard has released the new models for the Blood Elves. The models were not originally included with the release of Warlords of Draenor. Blizzard delayed the model to make it as good as possible, and we're finally seeing some of those results.

WoW: Tier 17 Raid Armor Sets Preview


Blizzard released the Tier 17 Armor sets preview before the grand opening of Highmaul. Here, the Warlock set is displayed below, and you can check out the to see the rest of them. Aside from getting the new raid armor sets, you can also find a wide range of WoW items for sale at this store.

Blizzard Clarified Garrison Invasions


Do you have any idea how Garrison Invasion work, and have you ever be confused by seeing the introductory Garrison Invasion restricted to Rank 2 of the Garrison? Do you think that the Invasions had been removed from Rank 3? Well Nethaera explained that is not true, let’s read what he explained on the official forum!

WoW's 10th Anniversary celebration starts tomorrow


WoW’ 10-year anniversary celebration begins tomorrow, Blizzard announced. We get Molten Core and Southshore vs. Tarren Mill to celebrate. The official site posts the detailed information, and you can check out the updates.

WoW: Draenor's Secret Power Quest, Keep the Rings


Rygarius clarified the Draenor’s Secret Power quest in latest hotfixes released on Nov 17. Before the hotfix updated, players were able to complete the three heroic dungeons and turn in the quest items for the next stage in the legendary quest chain, getting an ilevel 680 ring in the process, because they were not required to complete the 4986 Apexis Crystals requirement first.

Patch 6.0.3 Hotfixes Updates: Nov. 17


Blizzard released the latest hotfixes update for Nov 17. The realms underwent rolling restarts, and everything in the list should be useful. If you want to get the detailed list, head over to the official site. Here, we will share you with some major points.

Blizzard Offering WoW Subscribers 5 Days of Free Game Time


We have mentioned that Warlords of Draenor was suffering from a DDOS attack which caused some lag and login problems. Executive Producer J. Allen Brack has posted a message on the official forums apologizing for the Warlords of Draenor launch issues. He posted that Blizzard will offer all the subscribers 5 days of World of Warcraft free time to compensate players.

WoW Subreddit Returns And Running Post-controversy


Last weekend, one of the moderators has taken offline World of Warcraft subreddit to protest against login issues caused by the latest expansion, causing controversy. The moderator, who goes by the online handle nitesmoke, created a storm of controversy after setting the page to private in the wake of massive log-in queues for the Blizzard Entertainment MMO.

Warlords of Draenor: 6.0.3 Hotfixes Update For Nov. 15


Blizzard released another patch of hotfixes for Patch 6.0.3 to fix some more bugs and issued with Warlords of Draenor. There are a host of garrison and quest adjustment and bug fixes, as well as some tweaks to NPCs and dungeons.

Warlords of Draenor Expansion Alive Now: Patches Notes For Nov 13


The Warlords of Draenor expansion is alive now, and Blizzard released the patches notes for Nov 13. Here are some highlights.

WoD: Log in to your Alts After Launch for rested XP


Keep in mind that rested XP isn't something that happens automatically when Blizzard lauches the Warlords of Draenor expansion. You need to log on to your alts after launch for the rested XP.

Warlords of Draenor Ad in Times Square


If you are walking on the New York City, stop over to Time Square and check the cool ad: Blizzard carved up a New York City cab to promote Thursday's launch of the Warlords of Draenor expansion to World of Warcraft. That is one big-axe wreck. Blizzard Entertainment has long been known for its love of large objects.

WoW: Warlords of Draenor Live Q&A For All Class Nov. 12


If you were disappointed that the designers didn’t answer your questions at Blizzcon, don’t worry, because you have another chance to ask them. This Wednesday, at 11 Am Pacific, CM Lore will be hosting questions about Warlords of Draenor on Twitch.TV, with Lead Game Designer Ion Hazzikostas and Lead Class Designer Kris Zierhut. This is a live Q&A for all classes! So catch your chance!

Blizzcon 2014: WoW Movie Unveiled Some Actors and Characters


The Blizzcon 2014 was held down in Anaheim, California these past few days, and during a presentation about the upcoming Warcraft movie (via SlashFilm), it was revealed who the fantastic actors in the movie’s cast will be playing. We will share the actors and characters with you below. Just read on!


Kindly Reminder:Possible account termination when using illegal leveling or illegally obtained gold.