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Patch 6.0.2 Background Downloader Begins

2014-09-24 today announced that Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.0.2 background downloader begins. You can download the patch in advance to prepare for getting in game, and start playing as soon as the expansion goes live.

WoW: Garrison’s Large Buildings Guide (2)


Here, we will talk about what you can do for your Garrison on Beta tests. The second large building we are going to talk about is Dwarven Bunker / War Mill, which will help you find better loot and also give you a full set of transmog items.

WoW: Ordos Cloak Will not Be Needed In Patch 6.0.2


According to the developer Jeremy Feasel on Twitter, Yes, you will not need the cloak to fight Ordos in 6.0.2. His this tweet clarified that the cloak requirement will be removed, and this means that it would not even be needed to get over the broken bridge. The Celestials will send everyone flying to the other side, regardless of whether they have the legendary cloak or not. For those that don't really do any raiding, Ordos has quite the loot table of gear. Every item he drops is Ilvl 559, and although we won't be able to upgrade gear with Valor when the patch hits, it's still some pretty good gear for getting a head-start on leveling in Warlords.

WoW: Garrison’s Large Buildings Guide (1)


Here, we will talk about what you can do for your Garrison on Beta tests. First, you will have one large plot available at level 1 and 1 more plot at level 3. You will have to decide what buildings your garrison needs from 4 Large Building. You will build your Barracks as your first large building, and you will be able to replace it once you learn the other blueprints and once you level up your Garrison.

Brawler's Guild Will be Closed When Patch 6.0.2 Hits


Brawler's Guild will come to an end when Patch 6.0.2 drops. If you are working on your Brawler's Guild achievements, continue, because of the achievements will become a feats of strength.

WoW: PvP Season 15 Comes to an End


As Patch 6.0.2 drops, PvP Season 15 comes to an end, and the date has not been decided yet. The news mans that there will no Arenas or Rated BG’s after the patch, and all the conquest points will be converted to honor with excess Honor above 4000 points being converted to gold.

Buy Your Thundering Serpent Hatchling Now


According to a tweet by Senior Game Designer Jonathan LeCraft, one of the overlooked bonuses of Challenge Modes is going away as well. Here is the tweet: “The ability to buy the hatchling is going away in 6.0, so buy it now.” The Thundering Serpent Hatchling, a reward from the Challenge Conquerors: Gold - Guild Edition achievement, will also be taking its leave with the release of the patch.

WoD Beta: Monk Mistweaver Change


Game designer Celestalon posted the mistweaver monks change on the beta. If you are a monk player, this is definitely good news for you. Here, you can not only find a wide range of WoW gears you need, but also read the original post on the official site.

Change of Heirloom Vendor in Patch 6.0.2


Blizzard has decided to make a change and remove the ability to purchase heirlooms with gold completely from the game. You'll still be able to get them from other dedicated currency, like the Darkmoon Faire tokens. Click here to find WoW BOE items you need!

Legendary Cloak Questline Closing: Black Prince Buff Extended


Today, Blizzard announced some big news about Legendary Cloak quest last chance. Here, we’d like to offer you the not only WoW gears with the lowest prices, but also the latest information in brief as follow: 1. When patch 6.0.2 drops, unless you're on the quest chain, you'll no longer be able to start the quests. 2. When Warlords of Draenor releases, you'll no longer be able to start the quest chain or complete it. All traces of the quests will be removed. If you have your cloak, it will stay. 3. The Gaze of the Black Prince buff has been extended until patch 6.0.2 releases.

Character Name Reclamation Coming


If you haven’t logged in since November 13, 2008 and you want to keep your name you should log in before patch 6.0.2 goes live. Below you’ll find the official announcement:

Warlords of Dreanor : Character and Class Change in 6.0.2 PTR Patch


Blizzard released 6.0.2 PTR Patch Notes on September 12th. And here we offer you the summary of the character and class changes, and you can also find a wide range of WoW Gears which can help you have a better experience in the game.

Hearthstone Board In Warlords of Draenor


Warlords of Draenor introduces raveling merchant Benjamin Brode, named for one of Hearthstone's real world designers. Brode peddles his Hearthstone wares in-game with enthusiasm, selling a Hearthstone Board, a Pack of Hearthstone Cards, and the Winning Hand. Brode can be found in your garrison and he's a human regardless of your faction. If you're Horde, however, he'll be sporting a very convincing orc mask.

You can Re-customize Your Face via Barber Shop on WoD Beta


Your character’s face will not be what you want? What will you do? Now, on the beta, you are able to recustomize your character's face at the barber shop, meaning that you can now change your face, hair style, hair color and facial hair at the barber, and all for in-game gold. Of course it's the beta, things can change, don't count on this feature until it makes it live. But it does seem a pretty good way for Blizzard to address the concerns people have had that they may not like their characters after the model changes.

New Battle Pet: Iron Starlette From Pre-expansion Event


PTR went live and blizzard is now testing the pre-Warlords of Draenor patch. When this patch goes live, players will be able to experience a new one time only world event, the Iron Horde Incursion.

World of Warcraft's 10th Anniversary Detailed Released


Blizzard unveiled details about upcoming 10th Anniversary of World of Warcraft, featuring the Tarren Mill/Southshore deathmatch BG and the revamped level 100 40 player LFR version of Molten Core.

Robin Williams Gets the WoW Tribute as Blizzard Promised


Gamer asked for a tribute for Robin Williams for memorial. As Blizzard promised gamers a tribute to the late, great Robin Williams get one tribute. The World of Warcraft tribute he gets looks like the studio has been quick to act on its word. Just days after Wowhead found hidden character code paying homage to the actor, that persona is live in the game. If you're in the Warlords of Draenor expansion's beta, you can visit an island with a familiar-looking lamp; rub it and a genie pops out flaunting his "infinite cosmic power," directly referencing Williams' beloved role in Aladdin.

WoD: Dungeon Preview, Grimrail Depot


Grimrail Depot is a new dungeon in Warlords of Draenor. After Skyreach, this was the dungeon that I could complete without disconnects on WoD Beta realms.

Changes Come to Currency In Patch 6.0


Now, Blizzard has clarified a host of changes to how currency will work in Patch 6.0 and beyond. In addition to being used to upgrade items, Lesser Charms will now be directly tradeable for Warforged Seals, and there's no longer a restriction on how many you can get in a week - You can dump literally all of your Lesser Charms to Seals if you so desire.

Siege of Orgrimmar Gear Will Not Be Multi-spec


Rygarius posted on the forums to clarify that the gear that drops in SoO will not be changed to the system announced for Warlords of Draenor. This means that you'll still need multiple sets to do things like tank or heal or DPS as long as your wearing gear from Mists of Pandaria - it's not until Warlords itself comes out that you'll get the gear which switches when you do. You can buy WoW Gear at the most professional site.


Kindly Reminder:Possible account termination when using illegal leveling or illegally obtained gold.