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"World of warcraft" TOP10 two-handed swords of the article

  • 2012-10-04 14:27:00

10 and apocalypse


9, a lion's heart, cut those killed



It is at level 70 the forging of weapons, I have already canned not remember clearly its properties, but the modelling is impressive.



When a level 80 to the end of a battle put the bank, open 85 cleaning bag put it break down. Then have a friend called me help brush, I said that I have a decomposition, be he a meal despise, say me dissipate, the modelling of apocalypse pull breeze very, it is the unreal gourmet. Said I'm a little regret, then to brush, haven't seen the. Although it is not a version of the top weapon, but after all, huge sword body dark color, do have very strong vision wallop.


It is at level 70 the forging of weapons, I have already canned not remember clearly its properties, but the modelling is impressive.


8, Lattice Sara grams, the sound of deep




Blizzard lasted LK drop way, let deathwing drop all for weapons, but the truth, a few weapons modelling is neither to pull breeze, also as LK weapon that there are so many story. But the lattice salak to deep the sound still how many a little bit hotspot, modelling is fairly good, the special effects out feelers is a unique design, and after all is the version of the top weapon. Although single from modelling I am not willing to put it into here, but from several other into consideration, managed to make it's list.

7, Blade of catastrophe




Blizzard design two-handed swords, catastrophe is it impressed me a. Always feel cataclysm modelling more like China GuJian modelling, straight shape, color deep, temperament of primitive simplicity, back on the feeling of a warrior. Besides, this is the burning legion 3 characters archimonde drop, although the effect of sunder armor in that s not very popular, but in the whole game, its appearance temperament and item level should be enough to make it in the first ShiZhong occupies a place.

6, Lattice ROM SaGe, the knights of the silver hand ShengJian




I go to the sword modelling and attribute impression general, but after all, LK dropped every weapon middle name has a DuHao, after all, every weapon will represent a story. I don't know this sword original owner who is, I hope he is uther, after all, it is the symbol of QS.

5, Generalissimo's double-edged sword




Wide the body, luxuriant pattern, add color, all show the gas of the king. Indeed, at the beginning it is a only generalissimo can hold this weapon, and a server that how many generalissimo players? Rare, and there are several generalissimo players is ZS or QS back to buy this weapon? So, it becomes all the more the weapon honourable. With generalissimo plate armour sets, hand the magnificent great sword, more let a person have taken WanMaJun will head the feeling of the commander in chief. In a word, it is the generalissimo hands sword, it to get the rankings.

4, XinLuoSi, the boundary of the destroyer



Dahaka broadsword row in front of the generalissimo sword, I consider is repeatedly, eventually determined or that pull breeze modelling. Indeed, in the s, ha card dao is not top weapon, but you have to admit, ha card broadsword modelling is unique, the body green, chic modelling, plus its get difficulty is not high, in fact it than generalissimo hands sword more let a person have feeling.

3, Mr "Ryan crack soul sword



It is said that this is the dark Titan sargeras used part of the weapons, the sword has a soul, because sargeras fall and to split into. It is the 70 s ultimate BOSS kj yells drop, it is luxuriant atmospheric modelling, the legendary origin, was enough to face the rankings this position.

2, ASHLEY candy brotherhood swords




This jian a no brothers, blunt it hashed so much home association, they don't need too much comment the.

1, Fallen ashbringer



He is ashbringer mograine sword, it has a legend, its modelling is luxuriant, more important is, it was out of print. This is it can be ranked the first of all reason, what do you think?

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