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Blizzard senior vice President Rob Pardo: 5.0 the Pandaria most attractive

  • 2012-10-03 14:35:00

Recently, foreign media interview blizzard game design senior vice President Rob Prado. The interview, Rob to players concerned about some problems solutions, including world of warcraft series of recent plan, platform, blizzard XinYou Titan's schedule, and diablo 3 and starcraft related question. Now, let's look at blizzard will be how to develop the future games


Q: Mists of Pandaria formal online, how do you feel?


A: Very excited, in so many of the players to start A new journey feeling extraordinary


Q: World of warcraft is almost 8 years, To attract new players is more and more difficult?


A: Isn't it. I admit that new players less and less, but after so long, there are still a large number of players in this game. The individual feels warcraft players has even extends to the next generation.


Q: Is the new expansion is better than before more than do?


A: Do the game has not been easy. We always say "do the game is difficult, the next time don't last easy, the last more than previous difficult."


Q: Is MOP the most attractive place?


A: Panda. This is not the most loveable? We always want to put the panda people in world of warcraft. The idea was born from warcraft before they have. We in the ice throne added winebibber. We think the panda people to join sooner or later.


Q: If you had unlimited funds and resources, you will be for world of warcraft with what material?


A: This problem well. If have the fairy maiden stick, we will be the first to change the game screen, let them more lifelike, more close to the game now. Although the world of warcraft old must have qualifications, but still is old. If the picture can do more contemporary, players will be more happy.


Q: Through in recent years improved a lot. You think you can, or said and platform upgrading plan?


A: I think we'll never stop upgrade steps. Through to now is almost 15 years history. It always has things to add. The new technology will appear, the new platform content will also increase, we will continue to add new functions of the platform.


Q: The network game's design ideas in recent years is how to change? I think today's players is eight years ago have is not the same.


A: Yes, the biggest change is A network game is becoming more and more popular. World of warcraft has just come out of time, a lot of people say "nonsense game. A few people to be able to have been networking, then in online kept playing game". The phrase has been completely defeated by. This is a social game and mobile game explosion s. All the games are more or less need to networking. Network has become a necessary function, rather than the window of the vase.


Q: The first few weeks of the zerg heart began to closed, what do you think of this expansion can missing players attract back?


A: Of course. Front leave must want to see interstellar trilogy follow-up. At first, we will starcraft 2 set to this part of the epic trilogy, let players can experience the whole story line. Obviously, we are looking forward to many players mode increased many elements. If you look back at the original starcraft 1, you know the brood war brought much progress. We hope that the heart of zerg also can have the same effect.

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