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5.0 the Pandaria is most attractive

  • 2012-09-29 14:39:41


Q: Everyone still is very concerned about the Titan project. You know when to have the news? Now in charge of the project of how many people?


A: The Titan? Delicious? The project is still in operation. I don't want to give one looks forward to a player throw cold water. This is a big project, also need a very long time to do. I really don't know when will announce a news. Of course, we are now development phase. Employ nearly 100 people.


Q: I heard that developed six years, is it?


A: Let me see. I think it depends on how you look, they began to build group size is very small. A few of us mutual exchange views, painting point concept map. I have long out of the core team. Can tell you, the core development has nearly four years, but this 4 years there aren't very many people here.


Q: Will diablo 3 draw not hurrah, there were a lot of problems. Although blizzard this a few months has solved many problems, but do you think diablo 3 or listed in a hurry? If give you time again opportunity, you will not delay released?


A: The diablo 3 new code library makes the question A little difficult solution. Diablo 3 adopted the new engine, also happens to upgrade. It is difficult for us to let millions of players to test this system. The open beta have more than 20 ten thousand people, then have no problems. But after online poured into more than 20 times the players. So many people won't appear less of a problem. I it's hard to say postpone sale will solve these problems. The world of warcraft online time also had a similar situation. New game engines and over platform, ZhaBu loophole, let the game completely stable for a while to do the time.


Q: Players constantly ask when will upgrade the player models, this is still in plan? You know not to know when to be released? Difficulty big?


A: Is still in the plans. But not recently task. Artistic director is still in research, we also have been said it. Difficult...... How to upgrade model? At the same time to upgrade or gradually upgrade? There is a problem with the entire game is to update or as patch upgrade? Don't make it part of the expansion? There are many unknown here, but we are willing to solve.


Q: The lich WangLiu next one big problem, which is the last one patch and the new expansion are nearly 1 year, which caused a lot of loss of players. After CATA this gap to some, but still exists and huge. You are not going to reduce the cycle, or feel that now is very good?


A: I think we need to think of A way to speed up the game content updates. Since the world of warcraft online, we progress always half behind. There are a lot of different reasons. Many people suggest that we recruit more developer. Well, we have some critical so recruit people slowly, let its join content development more slowly. At the same time, the game content is more and more complex, this also reduces the rate of development. Princes war becomes more and more complex, the picture is more and more fine, the task is becoming more and more variety. Recruit people before we improved our quality rather than speed. But we really need more efforts, hope the next cycle can be improved.


Q: Will diablo 3 has issued several months, can you tell me how to cash auction house performance? The player on this function whether to accept, they echo? New game or whether existing in the game also can appear similar system?


A: Now for us this function A bit mixed emotions. I think this is a great experiment, it has many advantages, but also, to a great extent changed the game. It is difficult to answer, in part because it is a cash auction house, in part because it is still a auction house.


BBS has lots of complaints, mostly is about moment in the game won the best equipment as well as the game's progress and processes are depreciated. However, as long as there is the auction house, these things will more or less will appear, with gold take things will let you have a similar feeling. You must will these factors from cash system dissection, but cash system also does bring a special problem.

Now, the player will take sign board to regard the props of the game. A lot of games have a similar, but more easy to accept the miniature exchange system, but some people think it destroyed the pure feeling. We build this system one of the most important reason is that we know that there are a lot of third party web site doing the same thing. We believe that rather than let slide, as to provide a more secure trading platform. At this point, I think the system is very successful. Inside, we how to improve the auction house to do a lot of related discussion.

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