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For 5.0 three team copy the world first kill stars President interview

  • 2012-10-01 15:52:00

We are lucky to interview the stars guild chairman Bluewind, stars conference from the classical old world start is China and even the world's top PvE guild. In the interview, they talked about them in the Mists of Pandaria and November in Shanghai at the BWC (over world championships) JingSuSai on some of the prospects and goals. Below is the whole interview:

Q: Can you introduce to simple your guild? When your guild is established, how to set up?


Bluewind: we association was founded in July 24, 2004, our predecessor is everquest (EQ) RON guild, so when council most of the players are from endless task. We are a game association, was established aim is simple, just want to play with a group of friends for many years together, better gaming experience. At the beginning of its establishment, we will participate in the test for us WOW, then also participated in the clothes WOW test. On April 26, 2005, the clothes of the world of warcraft open beta, we were divided into the alliance tula Yang server guild and tribal lothar server guild.


Q: You have made in PvE so outstanding record, the intermediate you feel most proud of is which one?


Bluewind: the most proud nature is Mr DuYa zero guardian about lattice SaLong battle, this is our guild first achieved worldwide recognized the world first kill scores, the feeling well, if be not the parties, never experience.


Q:What kind of To score the FD process is  ?


This is a despairing of BOSS, we had not enough confidence to before Ensidia struck the BOSS, even when rumors kungen has been blown off the BOSS at present not struck comments. But for the us have no choice, only the last stand. Happy is that although we are the BOSS destroyed more than a month time, but every day we have a little bit of progress every day, the level of the team are in progress. More fortunately, we had difficulty, July 8, 2008, with a sound resounded through the whole after "fucking yes", we finally managed to kill the BOSS. I remember clearly that at that time I direct wearing headphones fell out (later check has been fragmented, let a person the heartache ah), at that time I and another friend in the play, I direct jump up and he hugs in together, and we separate, I found that my body is full of blood - all don't know when, we arm bruised. This is the first time I doubt, I beat up the heart can't take up my mood fluctuations.


It must be admitted that, with brothers together can complete a others think mission impossible, this is world of warcraft bring our greatest pleasure.


Q: Soon the Mists of Pandaria will be online, you have to MoP prepared? Your member all ready? You must also have set some goals, and share with you?


Bluewind: we do a lot of preparation, as well as testing clothing, we have accumulated a lot of BOSS experience, we to the LianJi impact grade process also do a preparation. At the same time our member, also began to adjust, and strive to the best state into the MOP. We even have many members temporarily moved in together, and hope in the land clearing phase can be more exchanges.

Our goal is always the world first, I hope we can get the emperor's will, big queen XiaKe hill, fear of evil spirit the three BOSS H model of the world first kill. I believe that we now have the strength.


Q: In addition to the copy of the team, but you have to MoP Miocene five humanistic challenge mode how see?


Bluewind: in just contact challenge mode, I think it good pit dad... : wear again good equipment to no avail, and into the copy equipment will all become 363, small blame will all kinds of skills, damage is very high, and the more you will destroy group, pull the less you dozen slow, if you want to get a gold grades, you have to constantly remind ourselves "hurry hurry", this let me so nasty temper comparison is not calm. I can only tell you very helpless, blizzard is more and more good at "flounder." we the players. Well, I admit that I personally is more "resistance to flounder", so I am very like this pattern, this allows us to move the brain, how hoisting speed and how to more seasoned through copy.

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