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The reckoning warrior comprehensive PVP understanding and experience talent article

  • 2012-09-30 16:07:00


A - stroke - look very beautiful, but in actual combat if you have any teammates have to stun skills stroke should be completely abandoned. In the flow and fall decline, the charge is in pursuit of the goal may cause immune to stun, so you are absolutely don't want at the critical moment of your teammates stun time of half. In his teammates no stun, 22 games out of a stroke is a feasible choice.


B - tactical mastery - completely useless, in 403 the full tactical master powerful in May at any time full anger switch to berserker stance open the "I am god" macro (calm + heart anger + reckless + accessories + OOXX). Due to the 406 have repair calm heart anger + the bug and intercept completely out of action bar, plus recklessness must be together with calm open, so tactical master thoroughly become garbage talent.


C - war drum - though not reduce the consumption of grinding for the value of this talent is greatly reduced, but not loss of anger break bravery and boxing in a lot of moment are likely to do the key attack killed. Is still a good talent.


D - strong break - the gift of high value, providing every 30 seconds stable 5 seconds fixed body, can break the skills of the game and only a few kinds, in 406 soldiers pursued ability under the condition of lower value to further improve. Will point.


E - sweeping strikes - in against double melee warlock and the great role, as a little talent has very high value, the only fly in the ointment is the need to achieve perfect carved lines. If you choose not to sweep out, can choose the colossus carved lines, to close at a target of higher continue to hurt.


F - savage block - personal favorite one of talent, 1 point bring you 5% against the caster's bonus damage, but also can let you the first time know their own interrupt will be cheat, in any excess when talent should add a little talent!


G point - strengthening jab or strengthen the brave?


This must be 406 soldiers PVP biggest dispute, in 406 two weeks of arena experience, I have some objective material, but which is better or worse I really can't make conclusion.

The advantages of slam has two, one is less consumption of anger, 2 it is hurt in all talent support even more than death. And defect is need to read a, need GCD can't fit the colossus for short periods of time outbreaks and possibility delay the next flat cut.


But I found in actual combat, in the soldiers do not be attacked, redundant anger is not enough to fill lethal and suppression of all other GCD. And what is more important is in pursuit process slam often play less than or didn't get a chance to play to the target, especially in be reduction or kite, melee often is a two GCD must be a lethal a pressing such as how anger connect a heroic.

Only if the target of Jordan completely, slam to be able to display the obvious advantage.


Then a common situation is if the warrior itself was reduction is then double melee siege time slam is absolutely no useful. (yes, in the arena double melee pressure soldiers are very common) almost infinite anger can let you constantly use lethal pressing and brave, and redundant GCD I'm afraid you have to used to do some help to the survival of the activity.


As for the heroic advantage not much said, each from 403 to the soldiers should have formed the colossus/heroic - lethal - pressing/heroic outbreak habits, and in "I am god" the outbreak of the stage, 406 bravery is still important damage part. And in the practical application, the buffeting in no crit talent support in many cases caused by the total damage is often less than three incentive bravery.

But it is worth noting, more than 60% of high-end weapons soldiers still choose the jab, the reason should be brave in this situation (damage about reduced 40%) has certainly not worth into three talent, and slams in some special moments or have their own use in it.


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